Donnerstag, 13. Januar 2011

WotLK Icecrown (Eiskrone) Level 77-80

History of Northrend

Sargeras' servant

The warlock Ner'zhul failed while attempting the Black Temple dimensional portal to another world as Azeroth and Draenor open. Instead, he took about four dozen orcs in a space hole where Kil'jaeden , the top general of Sargeras , was waiting on Ner'zhul. Ner'zhul had been deceived before the war, namely between draenei and orcs of Kil'jaeden, whereupon the Orcgeister and the elemental lords were outraged by their answers to the shaman.From this torment Ner'zhul was redeemed only by treachery: his own disciples Gul'dan , Ner'zhul adopted all the power, opened the Dark Portal and led the orcs to Azeroth. After Gul'dan in the tomb of Sargeras died and Orgrim Doomhammer from the capital of the empire people Lordaeron in the fight against Anduin Lothar , who he killed and his Paladin Turalyon , from which he was eventually killed, fell, the Horde was shattered. The Warsong clan under Grommash Hellscream hid in a cave complex near the Durnholde Keep , which did so only after Ner'zhul tyranny. The Frostwolf clan hid in exile after Gul'dan Alteracbergen. Orgrim old clan, the Black Rocks subjected to Redridge that are later destroyed by the outbreak of Ragnaros, where she would be in Blackrock hidden and of Rend Blackhand slowly became stronger. Zuluheds Drachenmalclan however twisted by Grim Batol , whereAlexstrasza enslaved. Ner'zhul founded the Horde, where he old Warlock Death Knight in shape, especially Teron Gorefiend took as a consultant. Hole in space opened Kil'jaeden Ner'zhul that the Burning Legion have plans with the Warlocks have. The demon lord killed the Orc took his grave to Northrend and made ​​him the Lich King .


The fragile peace Eiskrones did not last. Bound to the Legion, formed the Lich King Ner'zhul, the undead Scourge, which he held soon in preparation for the invasion of the Burning Legion, the in-game as the end of the WoW Beta, during the plague of Lordaeron on the northernmost country of the Eastern kingdoms go. This plan for the destruction of the one of the greatest human power since the destruction of Stormwind through the horde, on the other hand, that a champion rose, of which he himself did not yet even know that he was one. The inspectors of the Legion, the dreadlords chose, as their leader, the disease forces of four lords: the sly Varimathras , who joined later on Sylvanas and her Forsaken, the brutal and stupid Detheroc , who played a minor role, the scheming Balnazzar , the later the should take on the Scarlet Crusade, and the unscrupulous Mal'ganis . The latter was a top general in the history of the city Stratholme , where he the mayor Magistrate Barthilas and the first citizen Baron Rivendare contaminated and made ​​to generals of the Scourge. Soon rushed two paladins to stop the scourge: the great Uther Lightbringer and Prince Arthas Menethil. While Uther fought mainly scattered Black Rocks, drew the future Champion of the Scourge against Stratholme. After he had asked Mal'ganis and pursued to the Dragonblight, he met Muradin Bronzebeard and sought him with Frostmourne . When he found the blade struck a piece of ice Muradin KO - Arthas thought he was dead - and the prince was able to fend off the hordes and Mal'ganis kill. Then he pulled a new Untotenherrscher - his soul had been stolen from her by Frostmourne, the capital of Lordaeron, killed his father, then stole the urn, where he killed Uther, moved to Quel'Thalas to Kel'thuzad revive as a lich, brought while Sylvanas Windrunner to, and finally managed to all the carnage to return to Northrend. His strength waned, as the Lich King had to deal with a new enemy: As the scourge had betrayed the Legion and become detached, sent Kil'jaeden Illidan , Lady Vashj of the naga and Kael'thas Sunstrider by the blood elves sent to Icecrown . Arthas ran through half of Northrend by the Dragonblight Azjol'Nerub to Icecrown, speaking of Anub'arak was supported. After Arthas, Illidan wounded in an epic battle, and retreat to the Outland had forced since Illidan now had to escape Kil'jaeden's wrath, Arthas strode the Frozen Throne and united himself to Ner'zhul.

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WotLK Sholazar Basin Level 76-78

©2004 Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. All rights reserved. World of Warcraft, Warcraft and Blizzard Entertainment are trademarks or registered trademarks of Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.

Cataclysm Tol Barad [Battleground]

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